Athabasca University Course Evaluations


ENGLĀ 145 - Reading and Writing for Academic Purposes

ENGL 211 - Prose Form

ENGL 212 - Poetry and Plays

ENGL 255 - Introductory Composition

ENGL 302 - Introduction to Canadian Literature

ENGL 303 - A History of Drama - Part I: Early Stages

ENGL 304 - A History of Drama - Part II: Modernist Theatre

ENGL 305 - Literature for Children

ENGL 306 - The Literature of Work

ENGL 307 - Women in Literature

ENGL 308 - Native Literature in Canada

ENGL 316 - Approaches to Literary Theory and Criticism

ENGL 324 - Shakespeare I

ENGL 325 - Shakespeare II

ENGL 335 - Comparative Literature I

ENGL 336 - Comparative Literature II

ENGL 341 - World Literature

ENGL 344 - American Literature I

ENGL 345 - American Literature II

ENGL 351 - Comparative Canadian Literature I

ENGL 353 - Intermediate Composition

ENGL 358 - Literature of the Americas

ENGL 361 - Literature of the Harlem Renaissance

ENGL 373 - Film and Literature

ENGL 380 - Writing Poetry

ENGL 381 - Creative Writing in Prose

ENGL 384 - Writing Creative Non-fiction

ENGL 387 - Writing Speculative Fiction

ENGL 393 - The Early Twentieth-Century Novel

ENGL 395 - The Nineteenth-Century English Novel

ENGL 397 - The Twentieth-Century English Novel

ENGL 401 - The Faust Theme

ENGL 413 - Literature of the Long Nineteenth Century 1790-1917: Poetry and Poetics of the Victorian Period

ENGL 423 - Advanced Literary Theory

ENGL 431 - Canadian Drama

ENGL 433 - Post-Colonial Literatures

ENGL 451 - Comparative Canadian Literature II

ENGL 458 - The Latin American Novel

ENGL 458 - The Latin American Novel

ENGL 475 - Literature and Hypertext

ENGL 482 - Advanced Fiction Writing

ENGL 491 - Directed Studies in Literature

ENGL 492 - Research and Writing Projects in Literature